Topic : The Australian Child Maltreatment Study 2019-23: A landmark in national public health research
About this paper:
Child abuse and neglect is understood as including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exposure to domestic violence. Each type is generally known to be harmful, but properly targeted public health interventions require robust evidence of the specific prevalence, nature, and health effects of each specific form of maltreatment, combined forms of maltreatment, and different risk profiles (e.g., age, gender). Australia lacks fundamental evidence about the national prevalence, nature, and risk profiles of these forms of abuse and neglect, impeding sound health policy responses. We also lack rigorous evidence of the effects of these experiences on mental and physical health through childhood and the lifespan, and the national burden of disease associated with these experiences. Other adversities, including bullying and online victimisation, also warrant investigation. The Australian Child Maltreatment Study is a landmark project conducted by a multidisciplinary international team over 5 years (2019-23), which will generate this fundamental evidence for the first time using a gold-standard national survey. This presentation outlines the nature, design and significance of the Study.
Speaker: Professor Ben Mathews
Ben Mathews is a Professor in the School of Law at Queensland University of Technology, Director of the Childhood Adversity Research Program, and Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is a multidisciplinary researcher whose work aims to improve how legal, health, educational and social systems can better prevent, identify and respond to child maltreatment, with specific focus on sexual abuse. His work has influenced reforms to law, policy and practice, especially in the domains of statutes of limitation for civil claims for child abuse, and mandatory reporting laws. He has worked for 20 years in the field of child maltreatment, and engages with governments and industry across Australia and overseas. He was first author on a major study for the Royal Commission, and a global systematic review and critical analysis of prevalence studies, that laid the platform for the ACMS.
Chair: Professor James Scott
James is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and Head of the Mental Health Programme at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. James has established a programme of research developing preventative strategies and cost-effective real-world interventions for mental illness in children and youth. He is the recipient of a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Practitioner Fellowship awarded for his research.
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