CPPAQ – Annual General Meeting – 14 November 2023
$0.00Notice of Annual General Meeting - register to attend
The Annual General Meeting of Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland Limited (Company) will be held at:Location The Brasserie, Lord Alfred Hotel, 68 Petrie Terrace, Brisbane Date Tuesday 14 November 2023 Time 5.30pm to 6.00pm -
Protected: CPPAQ – Annual General Meeting – 3 December 2020
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CPPAQ – Annual General Meeting – Zoom registration – 15 November 2022
$0.00Notice of Annual General Meeting - register to attend via Zoom
The Annual General Meeting of Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland Limited (Company) will be held at:Location The Hilton Hotel, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane Date Tuesday 15 November 2022 Time 5.30pm to 6.00pm -
CPPAQ 2025 Welcome Event
Date: Friday 11 April 2025 Venue: EY, Level 51, 111 Eagle Street Brisbane. From 5.30pm The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) are excited to invite you to join us at our first event for 2025. CPPAQ is expanding, strengthening and set to become the leading association supporting and connecting dedicated professionals working to safeguard our most vulnerable children and families in Queensland. This event will introduce our new expanded CPPAQ board, share our exciting association growth plans that the board has been busily developing and we will unveil our new CPPAQ branding including our updated logo, website and presence. CPPAQ is honoured to announce that the Queensland Mental Health Commissioner, Ivan Frkovic, will be attending our first event and speaking to members regarding the Queensland Trauma Strategy. The event will be held on Friday 11 April 2025, with registration from 5:30pm. We are most grateful to EY who are generously sponsoring and hosting the event at Level 51, 111 Eagle Street Brisbane. The event is free for all our current CPPAQ members (discount applied at checkout) however you will need to secure a ticket. If interested non-members wish to attend, they can purchase a ticket for $20 or better still join as a member for only $90 and attend all our upcoming professional development and social events for 2025 for free. Our new website will be launched at the upcoming event. We look forward to seeing our members and potential future members at this important and exciting event moving CPPAQ stronger into 2025.JOIN NOW -
CPPAQ AGM & Networking Event Ticket – 15 November 2022
TUESDAY 15 November 2022
AGM (Members only) from 5.30pm till 6.00pm Networking Event 6.00pm till 8.00pmVENUE: The Hilton Hotel, Room 83, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
CPPAQ Networking Event Ticket – 14 November 2023
TUESDAY 14 November 2023
Networking Event 6.00pm till 8.00pmVENUE: The Brasserie, Lord Alfred Hotel, 68 Petrie Terrace, Brisbane
Note: Parking available at The Barracks, Petrie Terrace - First 2 hours parking is FREEFREE FOR MEMBERS - DISCOUNT WILL BE APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
CPPAQ Networking Event Ticket – 24 November 2021
WEDNESDAY 24 November 2021 from 6pm till 8pm
VENUE: Normanby Hotel, Level 3 function room, 1 Musgrave Road, Red Hill
Protected: CPPAQ Webinar Practice Paper – 1 September 2020
$20.00There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Event ticket template
$10.00 – $100.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION (QLD) 2022 LENEEN FORDE PUBLIC ADDRESS Coercive Control and its Impact on Children – the work of the Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board and Recent Studies ** LIVE STREAM TICKET OPTION ONLY ** Keynote Speakers: State Coroner Terry Ryan and Dr Silke Meyer, Leneen Forde Chair in Child & Family Research; Professor of Social Work, Griffith University Please join us for this special annual event named in honour of Ms Leneen Forde AO who led the 1999 Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. This is an opportunity to hear the speakers draw on their significant experience and speak about the impact of coercive control on children, recent research and learnings and the work of the Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board. The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) aims to improve interdisciplinary professional collaboration in the child protection system in Queensland. State Coroner Terry Ryan was appointed as a magistrate and as State Coroner in July 2013. After being admitted as a solicitor in 1991, he worked in private practice before returning to the Queensland Government where he commenced his career in 1984 as a social worker in the fields of child protection and youth justice. Magistrate Ryan holds a Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Master of Laws and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. In the period 2001 to 2010 Magistrate Ryan served as the Director of the Strategic Policy Unit and Assistant Director-General, Strategic Policy, Legal and Executive Services in the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG). From 2010 up until his commencement with the Coroners Court, Magistrate Ryan was the Deputy Director-General of DJAG. Magistrate Ryan is the Chair of the Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board. He is also the current President of the Asia-Pacific Coroners Society. Dr Silke Meyer is the Leneen Forde Chair in Child and Family Research and a Professor of Social Work at Griffith University. She is the former Deputy Director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre and continues to hold an adjunct appointment with the Centre. She is a criminologist and social worker by training, bringing practical and theoretical expertise to her research, teaching and writing. Her research centres on different aspects of domestic and family violence, including women and children’s safety, wellbeing and recovery, men’s accountability in their role as perpetrators and fathers, experiences specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the role of domestic and family violence-informed practice in child protection, policing and court proceedings. Silke has delivered evaluations for government and non-government organisations, including police, court, child protection, perpetrator intervention and victim support services. She is a Subject Matter Expert for the Raising Children Network and a former non-government member of the inaugural Qld Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board. Silke has provided expert advice and reports in coronial inquests and DFV death reviews. Her research is interdisciplinary and has informed policy and practice reforms in areas of victim, perpetrator and family-related service delivery. DATE: Tuesday 27 September 2022 VENUE: Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, 415 George Street, Brisbane ADDRESS 5.30 – 6.30 PM RSVP – 20 September 2022 FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) LIVESTREAM TICKET $20
Full Membership
$90.00 now, and $90.00 on December 1st each yearOur members come from the private, government and non-government sectors across a broad range of professional backgrounds that work in child protection. We welcome members from all levels of the Judiciary, Tribunal members, private practice and government lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, doctors, nurses, allied health practitioners, government and non-government child protection workers, academics, youth workers and drug and alcohol workers. Purchasing this membership grants access to all of our members-only content for one year. The membership term commences on 1 December each year. Membership will automatically renew on 1 December each year unless otherwise instructed.
Leneen Forde Public Address – 13 October 2021
$40.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION (QLD) 2021 LENEEN FORDE PUBLIC ADDRESS Navigating Competing Responsibilities in Domestic Violence and Child Protection – the Child’s Voice Chair: The Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC, Chair of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce Keynote Speakers: Deputy Chief Magistrate Brassington and Tracey De Simone, Official Solicitor, Office of the Child and Family Official Solicitor. Please join us for this special annual event named in honour of Ms Leneen Forde AO who led the 1999 Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. This year’s event will be chaired by the Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC, Chair of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce. Keynote speakers include Deputy Chief Magistrate Brassington and Tracey De Simone, Official Solicitor for the Office of the Child and Family Official Solicitor. This is an opportunity to hear the speakers draw on their significant experience and examine the complexity that comes with the intersecting jurisdictions of domestic violence and child protection, including the need to make space for the child’s voice to be heard where appropriate. The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) aims to improve interdisciplinary professional collaboration in the child protection system in Queensland. DATE: Wednesday 13 October 2021 VENUE: Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, 415 George Street, Brisbane REGISTRATION 5.00 – 5.30 PM ADDRESS 5.30 – 6.30 PM RECEPTION 6.30 – 7.30 PM THIS IS A COVID-19 SAFE EVENT WITH LIMITED NUMBERS OF TICKETS AVAILABLE. Members Free - discount applied at checkout Non- Members - $40 per person
Leneen Forde Public Address – 13 October 2021 – Livestream option
$20.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION (QLD) 2021 LENEEN FORDE PUBLIC ADDRESS *** LIVESTREAM TICKET OPTION **** Navigating Competing Responsibilities in Domestic Violence and Child Protection – the Child’s Voice Chair: The Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC, Chair of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce Keynote Speakers: Deputy Chief Magistrate Brassington and Tracey De Simone, Official Solicitor, Office of the Child and Family Official Solicitor. Please join us for this special annual event named in honour of Ms Leneen Forde AO who led the 1999 Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. This year’s event will be chaired by the Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC, Chair of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce. Keynote speakers include Deputy Chief Magistrate Brassington and Tracey De Simone, Official Solicitor for the Office of the Child and Family Official Solicitor. This is an opportunity to hear the speakers draw on their significant experience and examine the complexity that comes with the intersecting jurisdictions of domestic violence and child protection, including the need to make space for the child’s voice to be heard where appropriate. The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) aims to improve interdisciplinary professional collaboration in the child protection system in Queensland. DATE: Wednesday 13 October 2021 VIA LIVESTREAM FROM 5.30 – 6.30 PM NOTE: LIVESTREAM LINK WILL BE ISSUED TO THE EMAIL REGISTERED THE DAY PRIOR TO THE EVENT Members Free - discount applied at checkout Non- Members - $20 per person
Leneen Forde Public Address – 22 October 2019
$40.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION (QLD) 2019 LENEEN FORDE PUBLIC ADDRESS Reflections from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Keynote Speaker: Professor Helen Milroy Professor Milroy is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist; Professor at the University of Western Australia; Commissioner with the National Mental Health Commission; and Honorary Research Fellow with Telethon Kids Institute. Professor Milroy was a Commissioner for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Her work and research interests include child mental health and recovery from trauma and grief, application of Indigenous knowledge, and cultural models of care. She is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Her address will reflect the many learnings from the Royal Commission including the importance of bearing witness, keeping children safe, trauma informed approaches, and competency in mental health systems of care. The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) aims to improve interdisciplinary professional collaboration in the child protection system in Queensland. This event is named in honour of Ms Leneen Forde AO who led the 1999 Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. DATE : Tuesday 22 October 2019 VENUE : Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland, 415 George Street, Brisbane REGISTRATION 5.00 – 5.30 PM ADDRESS 5.30 – 6.30 PM RECEPTION 6.30 – 7.30 PM FREE FOR MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to Membership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Protected: Leneen Forde Public Address – 27 September 2022 – Live stream option
$20.00There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Leneen Forde Public Address – 29 August 2024 – Livestream ticket option
$20.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION (QLD) ** LIVESTREAM TICKET OPTION ** 2024 LENEEN FORDE PUBLIC ADDRESS TOPIC: Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission – what have we learned Guest speaker: Micaela Cronin commenced as Australia’s first Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner on 1 November 2022. Micaela began her career as a social worker in family violence and sexual assault services and has held leadership roles across the social service sector in Australia and internationally, including President of ACOSS. Micaela was the CEO of an international non-government organisation based in Asia, working to build global service delivery and strategic partnerships to tackle human trafficking and human rights abuses. In 2014, Micaela was awarded the Robin Clark Leadership award, Victoria’s most prestigious Children’s Protection award, recognising a leader who inspires others in achieving the best outcomes for children, young people and their families. Chair: Debbie Jones is the A/Director of Policy and Programs within the Child Abuse and Sexual Crime Group in the Queensland Police Service (QPS). Debbie has a strong social justice background, including roles in prosecutions, corrections, and police. Throughout her career, she has focussed on the needs and issues of vulnerable people including victims of crime, children in the youth justice and child protection systems, and First Nations people. Debbie has been involved in implementing responses to state and national inquiries, including the recent Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce recommendations. In her current role she drives the Service's strategic agenda relating to child protection and sexual violence, to support investigators responding to child abuse and sexual violence, and to ensure a process of continuous improvement and organisational cultural change. DATE: Thursday 29 August 2024 ADDRESS COMMENCES ONLINE 5.30 PM – 6.30 PM RSVP – 28 August 2024 FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) LIVESTREAM TICKET $20 NOTE: LIVESTREAM LINK WILL BE ISSUED VIA EMAIL THE DAY PRIOR TO THE EVENT
Leneen Forde Public Address – 5 September 2023 – Livestream ticket option
$20.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION (QLD) 2023 LENEEN FORDE PUBLIC ADDRESS TOPIC: The prevalence and impact of child maltreatment in Australia: Findings from the Australian Child Maltreatment Study ** LIVESTREAM TICKET OPTION ONLY ** Keynote Speakers: Professor Ben Mathews and Dr Hannah Thomas Please join us for this special annual event named in honour of Ms Leneen Forde AO who led the 1999 Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) aims to improve interdisciplinary professional collaboration in the child protection system in Queensland. DATE: Tuesday 5 September 2023 ADDRESS COMMENCES ONLINE 5.30 PM – 6.30 PM RSVP – 28 August 2023 FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) LIVESTREAM TICKET $20 NOTE: LIVESTREAM LINK WILL BE ISSUED VIA EMAIL THE DAY PRIOR TO THE EVENT