Event Ticket
Practice Paper Ticket – Impact of Coercive Control
Date: Thursday 23 May 2024 from 5.30 PM Venue: Cooper Grace Ward: Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane Presentation commences at 6.00 PM Topic: Impact of Coercive Control About this paper: Coercive control has gained significant attention in recent times. This practice paper will provide context as to experiences of coercive control and will delve into the background to the current law reform in Queensland including the work of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce. It will provide an overview of the legislative changes which will commence in Queensland next year and compare with reforms in other States and Territories in Australia and overseas. Finally, we will discuss some anticipated challenges and consequences of the legislation’s implementation in Queensland. Speaker: Nadia Bromley is the CEO of the Women’s Legal Service Queensland (WLSQ). WLSQ provides free legal and social work support to Queensland women, with their priority helping women who are experiencing domestic and family violence. She is also a member of the Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board. Nadia’s experience gives her extensive insight in relation to all issues surrounding coercive control. Nadia and the WLSQ have been instrumental in the development of laws recently passed in Queensland in relation to criminalising coercive control. Nadia is focused on legal and social issues affecting women and working with a diverse network of organisations and supporters who are united by a shared belief in protecting the rights of women. Her work necessarily flows to issues affecting families, children and child protection. Chair: Leanne McDonald from Kennedy Spanner Lawyers has worked as a personal injury lawyer for 20 years. While practising in all types of injury matters, she has a special interest in claims for survivors of childhood abuse, giving them a voice and guiding them through the relevant process. Throughout her career she has been driven by social justice issues, including reform of legislation and processes for survivors of abuse across the country. She represented the family of Annette Mason in their fight to find the truth about her murder as a child 30 years ago and is a passionate advocate for child safety issues. FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association. JOIN NOW -
Practice Paper Ticket – Supporting Children with Complex Trauma
Date: Wednesday 13 March 2024 from 5.30 PM Venue: Shine Lawyers: Level 13/160 Ann St, Brisbane City QLD 4000 Presentation commences at 6.00 PM Topic: Supporting Children with Complex Trauma About this paper: Mr Trent Savill is the Director of Complex Care which is a Brisbane based counselling and consultancy service that specialises in the provision of therapy and placement support to children and families with complex needs engaged with the child protection system. This practice paper has been designed to assist professionals to develop a better understanding of how to support children with a history of complex relational trauma aiming to simplify contemporary research, and through integration with practice wisdom, provide real hands-on strategies for supporting children’s engagement and recovery. This practice paper will provide information regarding:- Basic Brain Anatomy;
- Human Threat Response;
- Neurobiology of Trauma;
- Disorganised Attachment;
- Facilitating Safety and Trust in Maltreated Children; and
- Building Self-Regulation and repairing the brain-stem.
Practice Paper Ticket – Impact and Management of Trauma on Children in Out of Home Care
Date: Thursday 18th JULY 2024 from 5.30pm Venue: The Oaks Hotel, 2 Presentation commences at 6.00 PM Topic : Impact and Management of Trauma on Children in Out of Home Care About this paper: Any event where a young person is exposed to actual or threatened harm, serious injury, death or sexual violence has the potential to be traumatic. Young people may have directly experienced these things themselves or they may have witnessed it happening to others, it may be something that happened once or on multiple occasions over a long period of time. These repeated traumas such as physical and/or sexual abuse or family violence are more common for young people in out-of-home care. These may have even been the experiences that led them to living in care. Every young person will experience and respond to trauma differently. This will depend on many things such as their developmental age, the type of trauma and the support they get. For many young people in out-of-home care, their experiences of trauma are often complex, ongoing and have begun when they have been very young. Therefore, the impact can usually be seen in many areas of their functioning such as physical health, emotional regulation, relationships and education. Our speaker will share their lived experiences to help build awareness empathy and understanding of the unique experiences of trauma for children in OOHC and how we might address it effectively. Ms Gaskell will share her experiences as a child ‘not protected by the system’, a child ‘in care’, a Kinship Carer, and now a lengthy career working with families within many differing ‘streams’ of the and child protection system gives me a unique perspective into the various facets of the system. Dr Collier will share her own expensive experience as both a practitioner and a foster carer supporting children wit trauma histories in the OOHC system. Both Ms Gaskell and Dr Collier are passionate about building hope, motivation and insight for the community, and children and practitioners in the child protection system/sector. Speakers: Malarni Gaskell, is an Expert Child and Family Consultant/Assessor for Unique Minds Consultancy. Mrs. Gaskell is an experienced assessor, and has worked in the Child Protection Sector for over fourteen years, predominately in the Non-Government Sector. Ms Gaskell is also mother of 2, a former child in care, a kinship carer for my siblings, a general foster carer, and she am currently a professional working in the child protection and human services sector. Ms Gaskell has 12 full and half siblings across 6 different parenting configurations, with all of her siblings’ receiving services from the child protection services in different States across Australia. Ms Gaskell hold a Bachelors Degree in Human Services and am currently studying a Masters of Social Work. Dr Simone Collier Co-Director of Unique Minds Consultancy, a qualified Play Therapist, and trauma-intervention specialist. Simone is a Special Education teacher who has taught in behaviour support and special Education and mainstream settings for a number of years. Simone worked as a Deputy Principal and as a Guidance Officer before moving into the social work sector, initially in homelessness and domestic and family violence and then into Child Protection. Simone has a varied career working with children and young people in Residential facilities and in complex care settings as well as out-of-home care with foster and kinship carers. Simone has worked in Team Leader, Program Co-ordinator and Program Manager roles in child protection as well as in a State Project Manager role with Act for Kids setting up a program for Individual Support packages. Simone is involved in a pilot research project in partnership with the University of Southern Queensland trialling an evaluative tool to measure cumulative harm in children and young people. Simone is deeply passionate about supporting children with complex trauma and is currently engaged in her doctorate research investigating the barriers and enablers for mainstream classroom teachers to engage in professional development of trauma informed classroom pedagogy. Recently, Simone published her first children’s book, titled Jeremy’s Changing Family which is focused on hearing the voice of a little boy who is the biological child of foster carers. The book explores the challenges and celebrations of a foster family and in particular the children of foster carers. Chair: Dr India Bryce, Senior Lecturer (Counselling) University of Southern Queensland. FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association. JOIN NOW -
Practice Paper Ticket – Needs of and responses to young people in care living in unapproved locations.
Date: Thursday 14 November 2024 Venue: Cooper Grace Ward, Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane 4000 Australia Presentation commences at 6.00 PM Networking event from 7.00 PM Topic : Needs of and responses to young people in care living in unapproved locations. About this paper: This session focuses on the needs of and responses to young people in out-of-home care who leaved approved placements (foster, kinship or residential), without permission, to stay in other unapproved locations (e.g., staying with family, friends, strangers or sleeping rough) – a phenomenon often referred to in Queensland by the contested term, ‘self-placing’. Jemma will share findings from a recent study that explored the experiences of young people (n=11) as well as statutory child protection (n=26) and specialist non-government (n=17) practitioners. We begin by hearing the voices of young people – their needs and experiences of support when staying in unapproved locations. We then consider the challenges and opportunities that practitioners experience when working with this cohort. The session concludes with consideration of how to reform policy and practice to enhance young people’s wellbeing, safety, and connection, while in care and in their transition to adulthood. Speaker: Dr Jemma Venables is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at the University of Queensland. Her applied research explores the policy/practice interface of systems that support vulnerable children and their families, from the perspective of multiple stakeholders including young people, families, and practitioners. Jemma’s research focuses on enhancing policy and practice in three key areas: (1) responses to young people transitioning from out-of- home care; (2) upholding the rights of children and parents during child protection interventions; and (3) improving outcomes for women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence. Chair: Heather Bryce, CPPAQ Board Member and Director of Child Safety at the Anglican Schools Commission RSVP FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association. JOIN NOW -
Protected: Practice Paper Tickets – When child protection and child mental health intersect: Implications for workers
$40.00There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Practice Paper Tickets – 11 March 2020
$40.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION PRACTICE PAPER WEDNESDAY 11 MARCH 2020 at 5.30PM Topic: Best practice investigative interviewing of children and young people COMMENCES 5.30 PM VENUE: Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane FREE FOR MEMBERS - DISCOUNT WILL BE APPLIED AT CHECKOUT NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Protected: Practice Paper Tickets – 16 March 2021 ** ticket sales have now closed for this event **
$40.00There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Practice Paper Tickets – 19 June 2019
$40.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION SUE DIGGLES MEMORIAL PRACTICE PAPER WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE 2019 at 5.30 Sue Diggles joined the CPPAQ Board in 2014 and sadly passed away in 2015. To recognise her outstanding contribution to CPPAQ and the child protection field in Queensland, the Brisbane Catholic Education Office sponsors an annual practice paper in her name. Topic: Therapeutic work with children who have experienced abuse and neglect About this paper: Abuse and neglect has adverse effects on the social, emotional, psychological, and cognitive development of children. Many children benefit from therapeutic interventions to address these impacts. This paper will address what a child therapist does, what attachment disorders are, which children benefit from therapeutic interventions and which do not, and how other professionals and people involved with children - including teachers, caseworkers, and carers - can help the therapeutic process. Chair: Her Honour Judge Deborah Richards, Judge of the District Court of Queensland, President of the Childrens Court of Queensland Speaker: Lorren Arezio, Clinical Psychologist, Evolve Therapeutic Services PRESENTATIONS COMMENCE PROMPTLY AT 5.30 PM DRINKS AND NETWORKING TO FOLLOW NOTE NEW VENUE: Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane FREE FOR MEMBERS – DISCOUNT WILL BE APPLIED AT CHECKOUT NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Practice Paper Tickets – 20 March 2019
$40.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION PRACTICE PAPER WEDNESDAY 20 March 2019 at 5.30pm Topic: Are you ready for the National Redress Scheme? • Are you working with an adult or child/young person who has been sexually abused within an institution? • What is the National Redress Scheme? • Which institutions are participating? What do I do if the institution is not participating? • Who is eligible? Who isn’t and why. • Do you know enough to explain it them? • How do you apply? • What can applicants receive from the NRS? Following the recommendation of the Royal Commission into Institutional Reponses to Child Sexual Abuse a National Redress Scheme (NRS) has been established. This session will be presented by knowmore legal service. Knowmore is a free national legal service funded to assist survivors of institutional child sexual abuse to ensure they have access to redress. This session will provide detailed information about the NRS, including the three components of the scheme available to survivors, the impact of prior payments, the assessment framework used to assess the amount a survivor will receive and the legal options available to survivors, including at common law. Speaker: Leanne Scoines Leanne Scoines is a solicitor and social worker with thirty years' child protection experience working with vulnerable children and their families. In 2008 Leanne received the Queensland Commission for Children and Young People Child Protection Week Professional Services Award for outstanding contribution to child protection practice in Queensland. Leanne has a strong commitment to social justice and ensuring that the most vulnerable members of the community have access to justice and advocacy. Leanne has worked as Senior Lawyer at the Director Child Protection Litigation, Qld. Leanne is currently the Managing Lawyer at knowmore legal service Brisbane which offers assistance in relation to the National Redress Scheme. Chair: Nicola Doumany Nicola Doumany is the Executive Director of Community Justice Services, Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Nicola has held various leadership roles in both Commonwealth and State governments, administering legislation, promoting human rights and delivering quality client services including leading the establishment of Victim Assist Queensland. Nicola is a proud recipient of the Public Service Medal and has worked with the Queensland Government for close to 25 years. PRESENTATIONS COMMENCE 5.30 PM DRINKS AND NETWORKING TO FOLLOW VENUE: Grant Thornton offices, Level 18, 145 Ann Street, Brisbane FREE FOR MEMBERS – DISCOUNT WILL BE APPLIED AT CHECKOUT NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association.JOIN NOW -
Practice Paper Tickets – 20 November 2019
$40.00CHILD PROTECTION PRACTITIONERS ASSOCIATION PRACTICE PAPER WEDNESDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2019 at 5.30PM Networking and drinks Join us for an end-of-year gathering This will be an informal event, with 3 short vox pops from selected guests Chair: Professor Clare Tilbury, Director and Chairperson CPPAQ COMMENCES 5.30 PM (at conclusion of AGM) VENUE: Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane FREE FOR MEMBERS - DISCOUNT WILL BE APPLIED AT CHECKOUT NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Practice Paper Tickets – 28 November 2018
$40.00WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2018 at 5.30 Brisbane Catholic Education Office sponsored CPPAQ Practice Paper in memory of Sue Diggles Post Inquiry: getting the voices of children and young people heard in decision making and litigation Chair: Penny Gordon (Penny Gordon & Associates) Speakers:
- Young Consultant from Create Foundation
- Catherine Moynihan, Official Solicitor and Director of Legal Services/Investigations at the Office of Public Guardian
- Tracey de Simone, Official Solicitor at the Office of the Child and Family Official Solicitor
- Nigel Miller, Director at the Office of the Director of Child Protection Litigation
- Why is hearing from children and young people important?
- What has changed since the Inquiry, what has stayed the same?
- What are the challenges, what are the opportunities?
- Where to from here?
Practice Paper Tickets – 29 June 2021
TUESDAY 29 June 2021 from 5.30 PM, presentation from 6.00 PM
VENUE: Stamford Plaza, Raffles Room, 39 Upper Edward Street, Brisbane
TOPIC : Lyndal – being a witness in a sexual assault matter
For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.auMembership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Practice Paper Tickets – 29 June 2021 – LIVE Stream Ticket
TUESDAY 29 June 2021 _ LIVE Stream from 6.00 PM
TOPIC : Lyndal – being a witness in a sexual assault matter
LIVE Stream access - ticket price $20
NOTE : link details will be provided via email the day prior to the event
For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.auMembership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Practice Paper Tickets – 30 September 2021 – LIVE Stream Ticket
THURSDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 _ LIVE Stream from 6.00 PM
TOPIC : Lyndal – being a witness in a sexual assault matter
LIVE Stream access - ticket price $20
NOTE : link details will be provided via email the day prior to the event
For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.auMembership is vital to support the work of the Association.
Practice Paper Tickets – 30 September 2021 – Location Toowoomba
Thursday 30 September 2021 from 5.30 PM
Presentation commences at 6.00 PM Venue: Picnic Point Toowoomba, Cellar Room Top of the Range - 164 Tourist Road, Toowoomba QLD Topic : Lyndal – being a witness in a sexual assault matter About this paper: Many survivors of child sexual abuse don’t ever come forward to tell their story. Others suffer guilt and shame as a result of the abuse and take many years to speak. There has been much talk, particularly in recent years, of the difficulties faced by survivors as they go through the legal process – both criminal and civil. In going through the process, they must revisit the abuse and revisit the trauma time after time. They often suffer from significant mental health issues before they even begin to give their evidence. As if the process of giving their evidence and telling their story in Court is not difficult enough, they are then cross examined. Lyndal is a survivor of childhood abuse who has told her story. Lyndal tells her story to the police as a child. On the day he is to appear in Court, the perpetrator commits suicide. Many years later as an adult, Lyndal gives evidence in Court in a civil matter, forced to tell it in an extremely difficult setting. Her story is one of trauma, desperation to be believed, and fighting her way through the system. Please join us in hearing Lyndal as she reflects on telling her story as both a child and an adult. Speaker: Lyndal Lyndal is a 43 year old survivor of sexual assault and rape. In 1990 she was assaulted by the boarding school master where she lived at the school formerly known as the Toowoomba Preparatory School, now the Toowoomba Anglican School. As a result of the abuse Lyndal suffers from PTSD, Anxiety and Depression and other mental health issues. She suffered in the belief that the school did not believe her for 11 years until she went to Court in 2001. She had to relive the abuse all over again in the witness box as an adult. Lyndal considers herself one of the lucky ones – she has survived to tell her story and to give others hope. Hope that they too can seek justice and, achieve justice. FREE FOR MEMBERS (discount applied at checkout) NON-MEMBERS $40 For information about how to join or renew your membership go to www.cppaq.com.au Membership is vital to support the work of the Association. JOIN NOW -
Practice Paper Tickets – Impact and Management of Trauma on Children in Out of Home Care (LIVESTREAM TICKET)
2024 Practice Paper: *** LIVESTREAM TICKET OPTION **** DATE: THURSDAY 18th JULY 2024 VIA LIVESTREAM FROM 6.00pm till 7.00pm NOTE: LIVESTREAM LINK WILL BE ISSUED VIA EMAIL THE DAY PRIOR TO THE EVENT Members Free - discount applied at checkout Non- Members - $20 per person Topic : Impact and Management of Trauma on Children in Out of Home Care About this paper: Any event where a young person is exposed to actual or threatened harm, serious injury, death or sexual violence has the potential to be traumatic. Young people may have directly experienced these things themselves or they may have witnessed it happening to others, it may be something that happened once or on multiple occasions over a long period of time. These repeated traumas such as physical and/or sexual abuse or family violence are more common for young people in out-of-home care. These may have even been the experiences that led them to living in care. Every young person will experience and respond to trauma differently. This will depend on many things such as their developmental age, the type of trauma and the support they get. For many young people in out-of-home care, their experiences of trauma are often complex, ongoing and have begun when they have been very young. Therefore, the impact can usually be seen in many areas of their functioning such as physical health, emotional regulation, relationships and education. Our speaker will share their lived experiences to help build awareness empathy and understanding of the unique experiences of trauma for children in OOHC and how we might address it effectively. Ms Gaskell will share her experiences as a child ‘not protected by the system’, a child ‘in care’, a Kinship Carer, and now a lengthy career working with families within many differing ‘streams’ of the and child protection system gives me a unique perspective into the various facets of the system. Dr Collier will share her own expensive experience as both a practitioner and a foster carer supporting children wit trauma histories in the OOHC system. Both Ms Gaskell and Dr Collier are passionate about building hope, motivation and insight for the community, and children and practitioners in the child protection system/sector. Speakers: Malarni Gaskell, is an Expert Child and Family Consultant/Assessor for Unique Minds Consultancy. Mrs. Gaskell is an experienced assessor, and has worked in the Child Protection Sector for over fourteen years, predominately in the Non-Government Sector. Ms Gaskell is also mother of 2, a former child in care, a kinship carer for my siblings, a general foster carer, and she am currently a professional working in the child protection and human services sector. Ms Gaskell has 12 full and half siblings across 6 different parenting configurations, with all of her siblings’ receiving services from the child protection services in different States across Australia. Ms Gaskell hold a Bachelors Degree in Human Services and am currently studying a Masters of Social Work. Dr Simone Collier Co-Director of Unique Minds Consultancy, a qualified Play Therapist, and trauma-intervention specialist. Simone is a Special Education teacher who has taught in behaviour support and special Education and mainstream settings for a number of years. Simone worked as a Deputy Principal and as a Guidance Officer before moving into the social work sector, initially in homelessness and domestic and family violence and then into Child Protection. Simone has a varied career working with children and young people in Residential facilities and in complex care settings as well as out-of-home care with foster and kinship carers. Simone has worked in Team Leader, Program Co-ordinator and Program Manager roles in child protection as well as in a State Project Manager role with Act for Kids setting up a program for Individual Support packages. Simone is involved in a pilot research project in partnership with the University of Southern Queensland trialling an evaluative tool to measure cumulative harm in children and young people. Simone is deeply passionate about supporting children with complex trauma and is currently engaged in her doctorate research investigating the barriers and enablers for mainstream classroom teachers to engage in professional development of trauma informed classroom pedagogy. Recently, Simone published her first children’s book, titled Jeremy’s Changing Family which is focused on hearing the voice of a little boy who is the biological child of foster carers. The book explores the challenges and celebrations of a foster family and in particular the children of foster carers. Chair: Dr India Bryce, Senior Lecturer (Counselling) University of Southern Queensland.JOIN NOW