White Kite Drawing

In Memoriam – Sue Diggles


It is with great sadness that CPPAQ acknowledges the recent passing of our newest Board Member Sue Diggles.
Sue Diggles was a passionate and committed social worker who had worked in diverse roles in the child protection and education sectors for the past 23 years. A significant period of Sue’s career was spent as Senior Education Officer at Brisbane Catholic Education leading professional standards and student protection in education. She had recently left that role to make a return to direct client work at the Benevolent Society.
CPPAQ was pleased when Sue agreed to join our board at the end of 2014.  The CPPAQ Board benefited from Sue’s vibrant enthusiasm and commitment to the improving outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.
The child protection sector has lost a truly special individual who exemplified professional dedication, personal integrity and tenacity in the work Sue undertook in her various roles.